Evening Primrose



Product Specifications: 25% brandy alcohol, infusion of Evening Primrose in distilled water.

Currently available only in 1/2 oz. dropper bottles.

Definition: We help to unify the individual and their Spirit with their life and their surroundings. We have a grounding effect and we help one to connect with others on a deep and meaningful level. There is a sense of expansion, as well as an increased sense of harmony with the world. A joining with the Divine Spark in all things and a sense of “at-one-ment.” You will find that we can be of assistance if you are feeling out of synch with your world and / or your life circumstances. We help one to be fully present in the moment, to experience a sense of connection and knowledge of having a place in the overall Divine Plan. With this comes an ability to open to a more universal perspective.

INDICATIONS: For one who feels out of step, separate and out of harmony with life or their environment. There is a need to connect with others on a meaningful level.