Astrology Essences Definitions


The moment of our birth sets into motion subconscious energy which unfolds and impacts our personal astrology, chakra system, and life experiences of who we are at our most unique level. Our personal astrology provides the lens we use to filter our experiences of this new life, showing our unique strengths and challenges. Astrology is a tool that can help us better understand who we are and what we can learn to be our best self.

rainbowAll of our personal astrology is important. We all are impacted by the energy of:
• The 12 signs
• The Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water
• The 8 planets, sun and moon
• The 12 houses

Attempting to understand ourselves through the complexity of our astrology can keep us in our mental body. Change occurs through our subconscious, which then impacts our thinking and feeling responses to our physical body and life experiences. We learn and evolve because we feel a compelling desire to understand who we are.

The simplicity of the Light Expression Essences Astrology Collection allows us to stay in our heart. These essences help us evolve our unique astrology from the dark suffering side (the immature, subconscious misunderstanding of who we are) to the truth of who we are: a unique creative, expressive individual evolving to know our True Self and unique potential. The lightest part of our uniqueness is pure joy to experience.

Using the Light Expression Essences Astrology Collection daily opens our mental body to the highest expression of our thoughts, and opens our emotional body to lovingly express what we feel. This openness brings clarity, allowing us to see more possibilities in every moment.

The Light Expression Essences Astrology Collection supports the healing of the subconscious perspectives, emotional challenges, and physical illnesses we encounter during our life experience. As each of the 12 signs vibrates the frequency of wholeness, the underlying subconscious issues and fears causing illness, disease, poverty, etc. will be brought into wholeness with our superconscious. Then the physical challenges can be treated more efficiently. When you add these essences to any essence formula you choose to make, the formula will more accurately pinpoint subconscious emotional obstacles. Use any of these Astrology Essences as individual essence support or add to a custom remedy of Mineral, Flower, Body/Soul, and Vibrational Nature Essences to support healing of specific issues.

We can find it difficult to interact with others whose primary Sun, Moon, and Ascending astrology is different from our own. By becoming conscious of our personal astrology’s strengths and challenges, we open pathways to find common ground for communication with others so that we can experience understanding and harmony. This is where Light Expression Essences excel. The essences do the work; they bring us to the place where we are able to choose to express maturity and wholeness in our life.

When all of our astrology is vibrating at the frequency of wholeness, we will experience unconditional love. Using Astrology essences with any other healing modality, including other essences, can bring you to this state of unconditional love, Unity Consciousness.

Each of the 12 Astrology essences holds the frequency information in the natural order of astrology. If you are needing vibrational support in healing a sign, the name will be what you pick, but if you are needing House, planet, or element support read the below information.

The essence of Aries holds the frequency of Aries, the frequency of the 1st House, the frequency of Mars, and the frequency of Element Fire.

The essence of Taurus holds the frequency of Taurus, the frequency of the 2nd House, the frequency of Venus, and the frequency of Element Earth.

The essence of Gemini holds the frequency of Gemini, the frequency of the 3rd House, the frequency of Mercury, and the frequency of Element Air.

The essence of Cancer holds the frequency of Cancer, the frequency of the 4th House, the frequency of the Moon, and the frequency of Element Water.

The essence of Leo holds the frequency of Leo, the frequency of the 5th House, the frequency of the Sun, and the frequency of Element Fire.

The essence of Virgo holds the frequency of Virgo, the frequency of the 6th House, the frequency of Mercury, and the frequency of Element Earth.

The essence of Libra holds the frequency of Libra, the frequency of the 7th House, the frequency of Venus, and the frequency of Element Air.

The essence of Scorpio holds the frequency of Scorpio, the frequency of the 8th House, the frequency of Mars and Pluto, and the frequency Element Water.

The essence of Sagittarius holds the frequency of Sagittarius, the frequency of the 9th House, the frequency of Jupiter, and the frequency of Element Fire.

The essence of Capricorn holds the frequency of Capricorn, the frequency of the 10th House, the frequency of Saturn, and the frequency of Element Earth.

The essence of Aquarius holds the frequency of Aquarius, the frequency of the 11th House, the frequency of Uranus and Saturn, and the frequency of Element Air.

The essence of Pisces holds the frequency of Pisces, the frequency of the 12th House, the frequency of Neptune and Jupiter, and the frequency of Element Water.

For more specific information on the 12 signs, planets, Houses, and elements, I recommend reading a book on astrology. While I was guided to make the Astrology essences, others were guided to know and write about astrology. I’ve always enjoyed these books on astrology and chakra-specific information. There are many good books available. Find yours.

“The Inner Sky” by Steven Forrest

“Astrology for the Soul” by Jan Spiller

“New Chakra Healing” by Cyndi Dale


Aries ~ March 21 – April 19
Teaches courage to overcome life’s obstacles; to take clear action and move forward decisively; to joyfully spring into action as a response to life’s obstacles; and to know how to live as an individual.
Taurus ~ April 20 – May 20
Teaches determination; to experience serenity, peace and the timelessness of life’s evolution; to promote simplicity, at the same time stay engaged with the complexities of life.
Gemini ~ May 21 – June 20
Teaches the art of observation without attachment to a judgment or opinion; to promote the art of listening and speaking; to being attentive and relating what information has been accumulated through a form of your unique style of expression, i.e. photography, writing and speaking; and to gather information sharing it through any form of media expression.
Cancer ~ June 21 – July 22
Teaches how to be emotionally vulnerable and comfortable; to feel compassion, tenderness, and kindness in all relationships; to trust and love another sincerely; to feel every nuance of living life intensely and accepting life as it is, being your unique self; to be transparent; to allow others to see your flaws and needs in equal measure to your willingness to be available to help others; and to receive as well as give. Supports healthy nurturing of self and others.
Leo ~ July 23 – August 22
Teaches the unselfconscious development of personality; to experience joy and spontaneity as your reaction to life; to openly ask for what you want; to be vulnerable and willing to risk everything for the experience of loving another and living life in the moment. Living your life creatively and joyfully.
Virgo ~ August 23 – September 22
Teaches self-discovery through the process of being of service; to perfect your unique talent and using it in service to others; to learn humility; to accept life’s imperfections and the imperfections of the self; maturing and learning to love yourself unconditionally; and to accept yourself totally in every moment and accepting others as they are expressing themselves.
Libra ~ September 23 – October 23
Teaches finding your own inner harmony; harmonizing the realities of life from all perspectives; making a decision and moving forward with the choice made in spite of the reality that other choices are available; and being a peacemaker that entails knowing and feeling that there are endless perspectives and a choice must always be made in order to evolve and move forward in life. True inner harmony is felt, releasing the need to find peace outside of self.
Scorpio ~ October 24 – November 21
Teaches how to master your natural inner intensity that is directed inward at the self to find any delusion that must be healed in order to expand your creative power; to learn and master self-discipline; to leave nothing about the self hidden; and to live life every day as if it were the last.
Sagittarius ~ November 22 – December 21
Teaches to live life as an adventure; to keep your mind open to new as well as old ideas; to release any bonds to a particular culture and be curious and accepting of all other cultures and knowledge; to experience personal freedom; to learn with an open mind and integrate the knowledge; and to find your own unique place within the wholeness of life.
Capricorn ~ December 22 – January 19
Teaches integrity through the experience of being your true nature and blending that with your public identity; knowing who you are personally as a unique individual and living your life in society expressing your values, interests, and skills for all to see; and being in the public and succeeding at what is yours to do without the desire or need for approval from others.
Aquarius ~ January 20 – February 18
Teaches cultivating absolute loyalty to Truth; uncompromising expression of your unique self; freeing from cultural opinions, rituals, dogmas and influences that challenge your instincts and nature to conform to the group thinking; following your individual path no matter where it leads you; being curious about everything and remaining non-attached to the outcomes of living life in a state of sovereignty and certainty of being your unique self; and experiencing life as a joyful experiment with a feeling of non-attachment to the outcomes your choices bring you.
Pisces ~ February 19 – March 20
Teaches to simply experience consciousness; allowing the mind to be aware of itself; having no attachment to thoughts or ideas; letting go of the outer world reality; moving to the awareness that consciousness itself is the only reality; supports empathy and compassion consciousness; and supports the process of meditation.

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