After I completed making the collection of Body/Soul essences, I began doing more and more individual essence sessions. It was an abrupt change; I had been building gardens and making essences exclusively and then session work began to take my time and attention. I began in-depth essence session work in 2000. During this period I was on the phone all day with clients, making custom essence formulas for their specific healing agendas. I was also making new combination essences as well as more vibrational nature essences. From 2000 to 2014, I have developed an in-depth essence session format that is now being developed into a reproducible format for essence facilitators to use with their clients. Light Expression Essences continue to expand through individual sessions and classes.
When our poodle, Winslow, first came to the farm in 2005, he decided to be my work poodle. He loves to come out to the office with me every day to help in the session work. Who knows what happens to the dear boy every day as he sleeps under the pyramid, but he is definitely doing his healing work! An interesting indicator that he is experiencing the energy work (aside from his recent challenges) is that he will nap much of the time and while he is napping, his legs and paws twitch. While napping in the main house, he never twitches.
Through most of 2007, Winslow and I appeared to be processing all of this office energy fairly well. Then, something changed for Winslow. He was becoming more and more agitated, irritated, and uncomfortable in his body. This situation went from mild irritation physically to a rash on his stomach and bumps like hives all over his back, to huge irritation and insane anxiety on some days. I was asking his soul and physical body daily what to do about his apparent detoxing but heard to only intuitively test him for whatever essences he wanted that would support his situation. There were no big remedies he requested. So, I was mostly confused and worried and was asking a great many questions.
In May of 2007, I was guided by all the energies who work with me to begin the process of making a new Light Expression Essence Combination Solution. Fast Flush was birthed that day in May to support our choice to do deep subconscious emotional Soul healing. Fast Flush is a powerful combination solution designed by Source, Nature, and Souls to support us physically, emotionally, and mentally in moving the toxins (almost like poison) out of our bodies that we have each accumulated during our journey as Souls. Apparently, this healing work is digging deep into our Souls’ subconscious and finding pain patterns that are buried deep within our Soul subconscious memory, emotional body, and ultimately physical body. These emotional pain-filled patterns can and do provide the physical body with great discomfort, illness, and disease if they are not healed and brought into harmony with love. This is a lot of physical discomfort, to say the least!
Fast Flush has been in the making every day since I first heard that I would begin making the Combination Solution in May 2007. After every session each person experiences with me, I facilitate the Fast Flush by writing their name, date of the session, topic number, which is the session agenda, Fast Flush, and the words you are releasing – pain, aches, illness, irritation, anxiety, suffering, poverty, etc. I also write the words of what you are receiving from the Fast Flush: love, abundance, release, healing, strength, vitality, courage, peace, comfort, acceptance, joy, etc. I have a file on every single Fast Flush performed since May 2007. It’s a big pile of papers!
Now, back to Winslow. Apparently, I missed some of the details when I began the Fast Flush formula in May 2007. This is when Winslow began to have trouble!
On April 21, 2008, Winslow got to his worse point ever! I was losing my marbles trying to understand what was going on with him. I didn’t know what to do to help him. Every day, I asked for guidance. Always, the answer came back that I was to take another essence remedy for myself and heal through that which I did not understand. Well, I took essence remedies until I was dizzy! Winslow and I were almost crazy and exhausted from all the remedies I had been taking to heal whatever I needed to heal in order to better understand and hear guidance about Winslow’s crisis. All the while, Winslow became more agitated, more obsessive, more anxious. I knew something had to change soon, or the poor poodle was going to become completely insane.
I continued doing sessions and continued making the Fast Flush formula and then one day I heard that I was to make another combination solution to support our [humaity’s] healing process. This one was to be called Relax! Nice name, I thought. I had made it once and sent it out to someone to try. I never made it again. Even as I heard its definition, I felt unable to physically make it into an essence. So, I left it on the back burner waiting for the timing to hit so I could make it for all of us. The timing finally hit at the end of April 2008. I felt the custom combination solution for Relax that morning and made it that afternoon!
I also received an opportunity to make a second custom combination solution that day, which did surprise me a little. I had been taking a lot of essence remedies over a two-month period in order to heal my huge issues about timing. Timing, being in harmony, acceptance, and surrender to Source’s timing is a big deal for us earthly Souls. I’ve probably made and taken tens of thousands of essences to heal my issues about being in acceptance of Source’s universal timing! These essence remedies have been pushing boatloads of toxins out of my physical body. This left me feeling dizzy, nauseous, confused, and mostly quiet inside as I processed my feelings about working for Source and working within universal timing, not my own ego timing. WOW! A lot of aches and pains moved up and out of my body. This is also some of what Winslow has been experiencing when he comes to the office with me.
This second custom Combination Solution is Universal Will Plan Timing and it’s quite lovely!
Once I made these two new combination solutions I immediately began spraying Winslow, hoping he would receive some relief from all his skin irritations. So, on a Friday in April 2008, I sprayed him with Universal Will Plan Timing along with Relax, and Friends. It did appear to calm him a bit, but not enough to make him stop biting and licking his body. By Saturday morning, I was feeling discouraged and let down, wishing that those two formulas would make his pain and agitation go away immediately! I asked again on Saturday morning, “What do I do?” I heard again to take another essence remedy and see what I feel and know afterwards. Well, it didn’t take too long after that remedy for me to hear guidance telling me that the solution to Winslow’s problem was fast and easy to solve! Winslow’s Soul wanted (needed) to be included in the Fast Flush formula! I was told to write Winslow’s name on every Fast Flush worksheet that I had accumulated from all of the clients with whom I had worked during sessions over the past year! WOW! All that I had to do was write his name on all of the Fast Flush papers that I was accumulating from every client session. That I did, immediately! I noticed right away a change in Winslow’s anxiety, obsessive chewing, and itching behavior. He was looking slightly better throughout the day. I also sprayed him regularly with the new combination solutions Relax and Universal Will Plan Timing!
It was a huge relief to hear that Winslow would improve more as soon as I actually made the new combination solution, Fast Flush. But, I heard that I couldn’t make the new combination solution until I did one more session that weekend with my son, Avery! So, Winslow and I had to wait until Avery’s session was complete on Sunday – and then, BAM! I quickly made the combination solution Fast Flush on Sunday and began spraying Winslow immediately! To say that the healing he received from Fast Flush looked like a miracle is an understatement! By Monday night, Winslow was coming back to his old perky, alert, peaceful, happy, and playful self. The relief I felt was beyond words. The process of producing these new essence formulas is something I share in essence classes that I offer.
This experience taught me volumes of knowledge about essences, souls, the subconscious mind programming, and, particularly, healing and working with Source! I was so humbled by what Winslow went through and how slow I was in my learning experience, not knowing I could have put Winslow’s name on the Fast Flush worksheets! It is always a big process to heal through the learning curve and what I don’t know – that I do know! So, right now, Winslow is in the office quiet, content, happy, and healing all his physical irritation and is detoxing with the assistance of these new combination solutions.
I am so excited by these combination solutions! Fast Flush provides tremendous physical support to us all by helping move the toxins out of the physical body more thoroughly and cleanly. Relax is also a BIG formula. We over-achieving Souls apparently don’t understand the need or importance of relaxing. Or more to the point, we don’t actually feel what Relax is all about. This combination solution could take a huge amount of anxiety, discomfort, and obsessiveness out of our Soul’s subconscious mind. Yeah! As for the Universal Will Plan Timing combination solution, well, there are no words to tell you what this one feels like. It’s a big agenda to heal the Soul’s subconscious survival feeling and thinking so the Soul feels that it can surrender to and trust in Universal Will, Plan and Timing! I am very excited that the three combination solutions were given to me to share with humanity.
As you can see, it is exciting, frightening, confusing, and ultimately rewarding at Light Expression Farm. This process of tracking down subconscious issues and emotions that cause us souls to hurt and feel disconnected and separate from Source is a big process. I am in a state of humility and awe by all that I have learned through session work, the process known as Defining the Essence of the Soul Journey. Thank you all for your input, patience, courage, faith, and trust in this work. Winslow has shown me how well the essences work and what true courage and willingness to heal looks like. He’s a real trooper and a true pro. I feel blessed to have his support in the office. Winslow continued to be my work buddy until his final days. In 2020, he passed quietly with his best friend, Marcus, by his side and family and friends to support his transition. Our fantastic Veterinarian, Dr. Tom, came to help Winslow let go one evening in August 2020.
With Winslow gone our remaining poodle, who only knew living with Winslow became very depressed. They had been together for over 15 years. Marcus seemed lost without his friend.
I knew if Marcus was going to get through the loss, I would have to be diligent in giving him essences to heal his grief. Fortunately, I had a good essence toolbox to use on him. Loss and Grief was used daily, along with many other essences including You Are Wanted, Universal Hug, Friends, and a lot of Where Are You?
I wasn’t sure at the time that Marcus would stay with us. His sorrow seemed deep. He had no interest in food or water, which went on for weeks. I had to hand feed him most days just to get any food into him. Essences were used all day, every day, week after week. Finally, around the end of December 2020, he began to eat on his own, still lonely but coming back a little bit at a time. As of today Marcus is mostly healthy but has dementia, no hearing, and aching rear legs. He seems to be living between dimensions. He gets multiple essences daily including Where Are You, Loss and Grief, You Are Wanted, Universal Hug, Environmental Balance, Harmony and Wholeness, Flea and Tick Off, Friends, and others as they feel called for. Using essences daily on our pets can support them in experiencing a happy life, whatever the circumstances.
Marcus had many months of being engaged with me, but then I began to feel him slipping away. I could feel him getting himself ready to transition. Marcus and I had a wonderful opportunity after Winslow’s death to bond in a way that told Marcus he was special to me and Wayne, just being Marcus. I realized that the essences he received after Winslow’s transition supported Marcus in experiencing being with us as an individual, receiving unconditional love and compassion. It appeared that once Marcus had integrated his life without Winslow, he truly felt loved by us and was ready to transition back to the Astral with his friend Winslow. The only holdup was that Marcus was basically healthy. Dementia, no hearing, aching rear legs had removed his mind from engaging in life with us, but his body was not letting his Soul move on. Once again I was guided to call our Veterinarian, Dr. Tom, to help Marcus move on.
As Dr. Tom was preparing to help Marcus, Marcus and I did a good bit of essences together to support him in feeling the unconditional love we all had for him. His transition was peaceful and quick. Winslow stood by him and whisked him into the Light.
Our poodles were now together again and in the higher astral. The essence of Loss and Grief has supported Wayne and me in our process of adjusting to a life at the farm without our beloved boys.