Choosing to Work with Vibrational Essences

When choosing to work with essences, it is important to understand that even though you may test for a particular essence, there can be no guarantee of how that essence will work within your individual subconscious and physical system. The definition for each essence is only a guideline of what you might expect to notice after taking the essence.

I have noticed, time and time again, that not everyone will resonate with each and every Light Expression Essence. This is why there are so many Light Expression Essences available, and more will be arriving. It is important, therefore, to take the time to use intuitive testing and check yourself to see which essences will work best for you on any given day. Your subconscious is a 24/7 computer pulsing frequencies into your consciousness and physical body. Testing and taking essences daily is a very efficient way of maintaining your health and well-being. If you feel uncertain about your intuition and testing for essences, the definitions can initially be a good guide. You also may feel more comfortable contacting Light Expression Essences and making an appointment for an essence session with one of our facilitators. This can be a good place to begin your education about using essences. Classes are also available as they can provide you with valuable assistance in using the essences.

Light Expression Essences are a collection of essences specifically designed by nature for all of humanity at this time. They will resonate with all individuals who are ready and willing to access their specific individual subconscious misunderstandings from the cellular level and transmute these misunderstandings and be in accord with the highest vibrational alignment with God/Superconscious Mind/Universal Energy.

I trust you will use these essences and experience the joy they wish to bring to your life, in order that you are better able to handle the change of consciousness occurring on planet Earth at this time. The addition of essences to any healing modality will always add depth and vitality to your treatment.

With much love, these essences were brought into the physical, and that love is extended to you through them and myself.

With that said, I simply wish to reiterate that Light Expression Essences are never to be considered a substitute for allopathic medical care. Always go with your inner guidance when making health care decisions for yourself and your family. Only you know which direction is best suited for your health. Trust your heart.