When you feel that a situation is stagnant or persistent, you may be guided to design a remedy (a custom essence solution) to use for a few days, a week or any other amount of time. Simply connect with your physical body consciousness and higher self/Soul. I call this my System 1. Ask if you would benefit from a custom remedy at this time. If you feel the answer is yes, a remedy can then be made. This process can greatly assist and aid in healing through any long-standing imbalance you are experiencing.
Clearly state the situation you want to resolve and heal. Allow yourself to be intuitively guided to the essences (flowers, minerals, Body/Soul, Astrology, Combination, Animal and Family Relationship and Vibrational Nature) that will best serve this end. Have a clean bottle ready, partially filled with distilled water, and a small amount of brandy or vinegar as a preservative. Ask how many drops of each essence to use and put those drops into your bottle (usually a couple of drops of every intuitively selected essence is sufficient). Finish filling the bottle with distilled water. Ask how many drops or sprays to use each time; how many times a day to use it; and for how many days or weeks. Put the drops on your body or put the remedy in a spray bottle and mist yourself with it as guided. When you have several remedy bottles in use, it may help to label the bottle to remember which one is for what purpose.
The process of making a custom remedy can also be of great value when you find that, for whatever reason, it is not convenient or appropriate to have all your essences with you for an extended period of time – perhaps when you are traveling. Simply make a custom remedy to use which has the intention of keeping you in balance and in harmony with your System 1 for the period of time you are not able to access all your essences. What you then have is one bottle to use instead of hundreds. Nature has the ability to adapt to our needs of being mobile and traveling light.
Remedies can also be a great way to introduce vibrational essences to family members, friends, or clients. It allows them the opportunity to experience essences over an extended period of time without having to determine for themselves how to use all the collections. The most important part of making a custom remedy for someone is to first make sure this is something they want to do. Divine law requires you to have their conscious approval. Next, simply ask for a connection with their System 1 (just as you would do for yourself). Ask to be guided to the essences for the custom remedy that would best serve their healing, spiritual growth, and understanding at this time. This allows their System 1, through the use of essences, to guide them along their healing path.
There are times, however, when someone wishes to begin using essences by targeting a specific subconscious pattern. The essence selection process is the same; the intention is different. You now would state clearly the issue wishing to be addressed and allow your System 1 to guide you to the essences needed for this specific intention. When the custom remedy solution is complete, label the bottle with the information regarding how many drops to use at a time, how many times a day to use the remedy, and for how many days. Be open to however the custom remedy will work within you or another individual. Just because we state the issue we want to address does not mean that the remedy will manifest within you or the person for whom the remedy is being prepared in the way that you may expect. Remember that healing is a process and your System 1 will always know the best path. Essences are intended to work in a gentle manner to assist in revealing the issues that need to be addressed, allowing new, creative solutions that had previously been overlooked to come to mind.
After selecting essences for a remedy you are making for someone, please take the extra moment to disconnect from the other person’s System 1. The last thing that any of us working with others needs is to be left feeling drained at the end of the day because we forgot to disconnect.
As a result of regular testing during a physical imbalance, you will usually experience a quicker return to wholeness and more conscious clarity about what changes can be made to keep your life in harmony with good health and your highest good.
Light Expression Essences ~ Creating Custom Remedies
- Write down or state your intention for using an essence remedy.
- Read the essence definitions or use your intuition to pick the essences for your custom remedy.
- When selecting the essences for yourself or others, there are no mistakes. The essences you pick will do what the definition indicates.
- If you pick an essence that is unnecessary for your custom remedy, there will be no effect for it in the remedy.
- Wash bottle and dropper or spray pump in hot soapy water – takes just a minute.
- Rinse bottle and dropper/spray pump with boiling hot water.
- Fill bottled 1/4 full with brandy and 3/4 with distilled water. (25% brandy, 75% distilled water).
- Put the essences which go in your custom remedy into the bottle containing solution. 2-3 drops are usually sufficient.
- Once all the essences are in the bottle, fill to top with extra distilled water. Put dropper or spray pump on the bottle.
- Label your bottle – date created, how long to use, how many drops to take, how many times a day. Use as a spray or dropper.
- Spray yourself, the room, your animals, etc. OR,
- If you have a dropper bottle – apply the drops to your body or take orally.