Ben of NYC, NY
“I love spraying Light Expression Essences around my home, at the office and when celebrating good times with friends. The combination essences Universal Hug and Universal, Will, Plan, and Time are almost always with me. When I get stuck while studying, frustrated by a difficult student, or am feeling down these sprays help me feel relief and gain new perspective. I love to spray myself with essences while networking at conferences or socializing at bars. I never cease to be surprised by the experiences that unfold: laughter, smiles, and sincere conversation. Light Expression Essences are my go-to tool for navigating life’s daily challenges! They consistently and quickly help me to feel joy, compassion, and acceptance. Thank you Sharon, for co-creating these amazing essences!!!”
Helen, of Virginia
“A decade ago, I began using Light Expression Essences. I learned to use them easily and I used them many times a day, mixing my own custom remedies from the Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Flower Essences, the Mineral Essences, the Vibrational Nature Essences and the Body/Soul Essences. They worked well right from the beginning and I became aware that I was benefitting from giving up old inherited thought patterns. At first, I couldn’t seem to help my family to do the same work. Then Sharon developed the Combination remedies and the Animal and Family Relationship Healthcare remedies and these helped me process communication better with my family, and I now share them with my grandchild, who has tough situations to deal with, as well as with other family members. Also, I’m beginning to use the Astrology Essences and am at a whole new level of being able to understand my own and other people’s experiences with old thought patterns. I am able to deal with their behavior better than I had before.”
Alisha, of Virginia
“As a massage therapist, I use the Light Expression Astrology Essences in my practice as a tool to enhance my clients’ experiences of connecting emotion to body to spirit, so that they can better direct their own healing process. Essences help my clients draw a bridge of understanding between physical and emotional and intellectual life experience.
In my own healing, I have found that using pain rather than avoiding it, is wise. It has been a guide to deeper healing, which custom remedies from Sharon —of the Light Expression Essences— has accomplished. They have helped me find truth behind pain, healing it, and thereby creating personal empowerment. This deep healing is curative.
At home, I use Light Expression Combination and Animal and Family Relationship Healthcare remedies, especially when I prepare for company or handle times of stress in family life. Light Expression Essences have become an important tool for inviting something spiritual outside of myself to come help in my personal healing process.”
Betty, of Atlanta, GA
“I’ve been suffering mentally since I was 6 years old. I have ADHD, but it’s better now. I had been overly afraid of anything and anybody for a long as I can remember. When my fears got in the way of caring for my children, at age 25, I went to a psychiatrist, then to yoga classes, and over the years to different groups that met to support each other. I’ve been to Jewish, Christian, and Buddhist groups. All of them worked for me to handle stress but none really took away the fears. I got really tired of the fears.
When I reached the age of 68 one of my health practitioners gave up on healing me and recommended me to Sharon and I began to take essences regularly. I’ve survived many health challenges since, including the removal of a kidney. I feel better but I do not know what the essences do. I’ve lived 11 years more since beginning to use Light Expression Essences and although my health problems remain serious, I have this new feeling of calm. So, I’m better emotionally. Despite my physical challenges, I can now accept anything that comes my way and that is wonderful. I don’t get depressed, just angry.
I feel so much less fear about myself now that I can be more open and relaxed, more like my true self. When I first used remedies I didn’t feel anything at all, but I am a persevering sort of person, so I kept on using them anyway. In the long term, I am no longer tortured by guilt and panic. Lately I’ve had the heavenly feeling ‘Let go and Let God’, as I had always hoped to do. It was a gradual thing. I have so much more living to do and the essences help me push through medical challenges.”
Lynn, of Pennsylvania
“I first discovered the Light Expression Essences when a friend of mine opened a health and healing center. She was having a session with Sharon, the creator of Light Expression essences. I was drawn to the energy of the bottles that she was using to make a custom remedy for my friend. Being very curious, I asked Sharon to make me a custom remedy. At that time I didn’t know what specific issue it was for but I felt better balanced afterwards.
As time went on I began to realize I was having anxiety and felt like I needed help for my emotions and my physical body. I again ordered a custom remedy from Sharon and then I realized the essences were doing something for me although it was difficult to describe what exactly. All I knew was that I felt better balanced and able to cope with my life when I took them. Then I learned Sharon was having classes on how to make custom remedies at home.
I purchased my own sets of Light Expression Minerals, Flowers and Vibrational Nature Essences. They were at my fingertips, available at all times. I found that daily use helped prevent crisis situations from happening in the first place. I felt my personal growth was moving along quite nicely. This was 20 years ago. I am still using Light Expression Essences today and I have accepted my soul purpose as an animal communicator and shamanic healer, abilities that I did not expect.
I have seen amazing things happen when Animal essences are used with my clients. A client’s cat was very aggressive, screaming and carrying on at the window when any other animal came near. Then he would go attack his fellow house cat because he couldn’t get the neighbor’s cat. I used the essences, especially Competitive/Jealous/Insecure and Annoyance/Frustration/Irritation essence remedies helped him become a different cat. He no longer gets so annoyed with others’ pets in his yard but on the rare occasions when he does so, a quick spray helps him keep his responses non-violent. I also use the Thunder/ Lightening/Storms essence a lot for pets who fear loud noises, fireworks or sudden movements. They lose their fears. I am very grateful for these essences that are great products that really work. I also want to thank Sharon, my angels, and guides for helping me bring my purpose to light. My mission is to help those in search of wholeness to live in wholeness and balance, including the animal kingdom.”
Bill, of Washington, DC
“I have been using flower essences for decades and Sharon’s Light Expressions Essences since 2001, when I was going through an especially difficult time in my life. All along, I’ve been seeking the fulfillment of a vision I had at age 11 years while walking home from the baseball field: I saw God as not some ‘white guy outside of me’ icon, but as being actually inside of me. My parents didn’t have much to say about that, being uninterested in religion. So, I put it aside and pursued my studies and a “left brain” sort of life. My jobs have always stressed good care for individuals in the larger community.
Since 1995, I’ve been using flower essences in my personal wellness plan, handling emotions before they turn into physical disease. My life took unexpected turns when I first lost my fiancé to injury and then later when my wife and I divorced. The essences I had been using were no match for the level of anger, anguish and grief I was experiencing. Thirteen years ago, at just the right moment, Sharon entered my life (there are no accidents!) and introduced me to her Light Expression Essences, which helped me quickly release and heal my intense emotional pain. Over time, what I gained using her essences was a deepening maturity in my relationships and release of deep anger. Now, my former wife is my good friend.
Currently, I’m engaged in an emotionally tough job serving as a case manager for people who suffer a significant mental illness, ensuring that they receive the services, care, and security they need. Sharon’s essences have helped me balance the emotional intensity of this work and, at times, the personal helplessness I experience.
I’m grateful for the continuing healing of emotional traumas hidden in the physical disease that manifests as I age. The healing may not be particularly comfortable at times as the emotions well up to be released and cleared (a healing crisis/detox as it is called).
Light Expression Essences, over time, have helped me clear enough emotional baggage that my childhood vision of God-within has found new expression through my personal channeling of the Akashic Records, which I now offer to others for their personal healing. I relish my profound satisfaction in creating ever more personal maturity, wisdom, courage and commitment to the welfare of others as well as to my personal healing and growth through the daily use of Light Expression Essences.
Virginia C., of Potomac Maryland
For as long as I can remember I suffered from depression which increased after my first child. At times it was so crippling that I was unable to function and no one around me was able to help me to heal or even find any relief.
13 years ago I was sitting across the room from a long time friend who I always felt was a very angry person. That day I was startled by the look of pure joy that radiated from her. I asked her to tell me what happened to bring about such a dramatic change. She told me about a new healing protocol that she had recently started with Sharon Hamilton that included vibrational essences and healing session work driven by various life topics. The first thing out of my mouth after she finished her story was that I want to do that too. It was so clear that I had just been shown how to really heal from what was keeping me from experiencing this life as a being of Light.
When I started working with Sharon soon after that conversation her work was still in the early stages of development of what it is today. Topics where powerful but smaller and I can see from the perspective of those 13 years of healing that we were working through just what our overloaded, overwhelmed bodies, minds and emotions could handle at that stage.
I knew that healing was not going to be quick or easy. It hasn’t been. The work that Sharon does moves into every corner and level of being, healing that which for lifetimes has been filled with ignorance, darkness, disease, anger and fear. All of these emotions change how our bodies, minds and souls develop even into different lifetimes.
As the work progressed I became aware that I was detoxing the results of those lifetimes of fear, anger and depression. I was in a sense re-experiencing past emotions and events as they came to the surface through this healing process. As part of the protocol I would receive a session remedy that helped me to move more smoothly through the topic and I also took advantage of being able to call Sharon at anytime and leave a message about specific issues that I was going through and would later receive more remedies to help with that. This unique process allows the healing to continue and be supported all along the way. Nothing is judged or discarded as not relevant. All that comes up is used as a stepping stone to reach the next issue to be worked on. I found that this level of intelligent, compassionate support was very profound and that support alone makes this particular process unique and most effective.
In these past 13 years I have gone through many changes. My depression has gone from an almost constant presence to having a very mild episode on rare occasions. The anger that I didn’t even realize was vibrating through almost every part of my life is now almost non-existent. The anxiety that would cause me to shake so badly that I couldn’t even function is mostly gone. I know beyond a doubt that the cause of these conditions has been healed or is in process of healing. At this point I am able to move through my day with a new sense of peace I don’t remember ever having. I know that I still have things to work through and I know that whatever they are will be healed through this protocol.
The session work is now addressing deeper levels of being I don’t always understand but I have a faith in the healing power of this protocol and know that Sharon and those who guide her are giving us a unique gift that is revealing who I really am in the highest form and possibly changing the world as well. The refining of the essences in the past few years and the addition of several new lines of essences has elevated the power and effectiveness of their healing to a level that is truly amazing.
At 69 years old I often wish that I had been able to have these essences and this work much earlier in my life but I am grateful that I have them now and know that Spirit is guiding this journey and I am delighted to be along for the ride.
Thank you, Sharon and all who are guiding this process.
Anne, of Virginia
I’m a visiting nurse for vulnerable and fragile kids or seniors at home getting their heath treatments done with the help of caring family members. It’s important to keep relationships warm and stress levels down. Light Expression Essences remedy sprays are an important tool for this. The Combination sprays and the Animal and Family Relationships Healthcare sprays help us stay on an even keel as we navigate medical and emotional challenges. It is wonderfully enriching to have someone with special needs at home but also a challenge as that needy one requires more family resources of time and attention.
The Animal and Family Relationship Healthcare remedies and the Light Expression Combination remedies help my clients to find joy and safety in parenting and caregiving despite the challenges of meeting special needs “without a handbook” at home. The kids love the essences and play with them when they need time out to handle growing pains. Drama is avoided. I’ve had school teachers request and then report better communication and respect between themselves and the kids while using Combination remedies in the classroom.
At home caring for my parents as they faced aging, dementia, and end-of-life issues, we were all able to let go of difficult emotions when I sprayed Light Expression essences around the house. We got to enjoy each other. None of us needed mood drugs.
Right now, I’m creating a new home for myself and I’m putting essences into the wall paint, my toiletries, and guest soap 😉
Ingrid, of Buckingham, VA
As a young child I suffered major abuse and grew up unable to function well. However, I did educate myself and earn a living working as a translator and secretary in four languages, no less! But all the while I experienced phobias, addictions, hopelessness, intense suicidal thoughts, and a host of physical illnesses. Eventually I became unable to work.
In an ashram I found a safe home and began a monastic life. There, the yoga teachings and the direct support from my spiritual teacher helped me enormously. Still, I needed more help to actually be able to do the practices. It appeared in the form of Sharon’s Light Expression Essences. My life really began to change when I received custom remedies of Light Expression Essences from her. The despair, phobias and suicidal thoughts began to disappear and I became healthier in every way. Then I purchased all the Light Expression Essences collections and began to make my own custom remedies. I also made remedies for others with great results. My soul purpose became clear to me. I started to enjoy my life and my work. I connected deeply with Nature and became passionate about everything I do.
Eventually I left the ashram and am now, at the age of 76, in the process of establishing my own wellness center, which I never thought I could do. I returned to the surrounding area of the ashram and am the chair of the community association. Another feat I never thought I would be able to do.The Light Expression Essences saw me through the big changes in my life.
I am grateful to Sharon beyond words for birthing these extraordinary and life transforming essences.