Pineapple Weed



Product Specifications: 25% brandy alcohol, infusion of Pineapple Weed in distilled water.

Currently available only in 1/2 oz. dropper bottles.

Definition:  When you go into a state of prayerfulness, you are asking for Divine assistance, guidance, direction. You find asking easy, but many times are closed off from Divinity’s energy, which is the carrier of the answers you seek. In order to hear and accept guidance, it is important that your heart be open to the full aspect of grace. It is the energy of grace that will carry you to your full and complete integration with your God Self. As your heart opens and you feel Divinity enter, your feelings of separation from the source diminish. You will be more clear and centered – the end result is a deeper experience and knowledge of Divinity’s guidance. It is from this state that the answers to your prayers are made known.

INDICATIONS: Feeling closed off from Divinity when in a state of prayer. Allows Divinity to enter through the heart so that guidance might be heard and felt.